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Souru队伍 幻界中一些设定  (Read 4029 times)

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Popu City

Cookie Country
Popu City外部的草原,物产资源丰富,也生活着大量幻想种。内部有一片巨大的森林,不知什么原因,森林中的树木生长迅速并且是优良的魔法产品素材,不过因为流传着”过度开发会被神树制裁“的流言,而也确实有开采者浑身伤口逃出森林的例子,并未有什么开发。

Culture Building
位于Cookie Country和Popu City之间的小建筑物。从建立至今一直是人类与各种幻想种生物交流、会聚,文化融合之所。别称”异文化建筑物“。

Nuts Noon
Popu City的知名甜品店,大概是作为城市的特色地点得到宣传。据说有特殊的魔法来辅助制造,实际制作的甜品也是无害美味,大受欢迎。
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 08:14:50 AM by Nemo Ma »

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Popu City

Cookie Country
Popu City外部的草原,物产资源丰富,也生活着大量幻想种。内部有一片巨大的森林,不知什么原因,森林中的树木生长迅速并且是优良的魔法产品素材,不过因为流传着”过度开发会被神树制裁“的流言,而也确实有开采者浑身伤口逃出森林的例子,并未有什么开发。

Culture Building
位于Cookie Country和Popu City之间的小建筑物。从建立至今一直是人类与各种幻想种生物交流、会聚,文化融合之所。别称”异文化建筑物“。

Nuts Noon
Popu City的知名甜品店,大概是作为城市的特色地点得到宣传。据说有特殊的魔法来辅助制造,实际制作的甜品也是无害美味,大受欢迎。

Popu City
A normal city in Turian.

Cookie Country
A plain field that's just outside Popu City, rich in natural resources, and is widely inhabited by other Turian Species. A forest is located in the center of said field. the vast woods of the forest has a very fast growth, and is used as indigents for Sorcery research. However, there's a rumor that stats "if one cuts down too much in the forest, they'll be cut down by the God of Trees instead." based on heavily wounded greedy individuals who did exactly so. Thus, human inference of the forest is rarely seen.

Culture Building
A small building located on the outskirts of Popu City just near Cookie Country. It's a hub for humans and other Turian species. True to its name, inter-species Goods, Culture and friendship is the main purpose of this building. Called CB for short in locals.

Nuts Noon
A dessert restaurant in Popu City, One of the city's specialties. It's rumored that Sorcery was involved in the making of its desserts. However as there are no negative effects regarding the desserts, plus its high quality, thus making the restaurant quite famous.

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Flower Florida
位于Popu City边缘的高端甜品店。和Nut Noons同样有很多支持者……其中有一大片重复。尽管在城市边缘,但限定窗口还是有着比Nut Noons还要恐怖的队伍长度。
离Culture Building不远。

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